Campus Center CC

Campus Center and outside walkway

Renegade Campus Store - student services for course materials, textbooks, supplies, technology, etc. Also sells BC apparel and accessories, graduation items, and food and beverage items.

Executive Offices - Office of the President and Vice Presidents

Foundation - The BC Foundation's mission is to create partnerships and support for the benefit of students, staff, and faculty at Bakersfield College.

Renegade Pantry

Student Government Association  Bakersfield College Student Government Association (BCSGA) is your organization. The Association presents your opinions, needs and concerns to such groups as the College Council, the State Student California Community College (SSCCC) and many campus-wide and district-wide committees.

Student Life Through innovative experiences in a co-curricular classroom, the Office of Student Life engages students in meaningful interactions and hands-on skill development that fosters academic progress, student success, social justice, and citizenship while serving the diverse breadth and scope of the Bakersfield College’s student community through recruitment, persistence, retention, and graduation efforts.

Events and Scheduling - provide services for campus events for employees, students and community members.

Collins Conference Rooms 1-3, 2nd Floor
Renegade Events Center, 3rd Floor

Stop Categories: Services